Exif 50mm f2 1/125 iso100. For strobist; left and right in front of the subject are flashes on a stand shooting through a brolly. Triggered by CLS. In-camera flash settings on TTl.
Fijne feestdagen van onze Kretenzer zwervertjes. Happy Holidays from our Cretan strays. Exif f4 1/125 iso 100. For strobist; left and right behind the dogs a flash on a stand bouncing of the ceiling. Triggered by CLS. In -camera flash setting on TTL.
Veggie Kebab (we sneakingly added some dices of roasted chicken). Exif f4 1/125 iso 100. For strobist; left and right behind the food a flash on a stand bouncing of the ceiling. Triggered by CLS. In -camera flash setting on TTL.
I saw while shopping these delicious-looking salami-like sausages. Exif f2,2 1/160 iso100. For strobists; Left behind the table a flash on a stand shooting through a brolly. TTL -07 and left of the camera a flash on a stand shooting through a brolly. TTL -03. Triggered by CLS.
Hermès loves to pose. f4,5 1/1250 iso100.
Herfst bloemen vormen een bouquet. Sneeuwbes; Sierkool; Amaryllis; Hortensia en Chrysant. Van Margriet bloembinders Zeist. Autumn flowers form a bouquet. Snowberry; Ornamental Cabbage; Amaryllis; Hydrangea and Chrysanthemum. 24mm f5.6 1/160 iso100. A flash shooting through a brolly on both sides triggered by CLS. In-camera flash settings on TTL left-0.3 right +0.3
Natuurlijk waren de griekse foster- en adoptie-doggy ook van de partij bij de Renkumse beek. Of course the Greek foster- and adoptive doggies were also present at the Renkumse stream.
Natuurlijk waren de griekse foster- en adoptie-doggy ook van de partij bij de Renkumse beek. Of course the Greek foster- and adoptive doggies were also present at the Renkumse stream.